Sensys Network


red Wrong Way signage on roadred Wrong Way signage on road

Wrong Way Detection Solutions

Meet the next generation radar, RTMS Echo. The RTMS Echo has been built from the ground up and offers transportation engineers an easy to use, highly accurate radar that provides sophisticated traffic data.

Features and Highlights

  • Fast, safe installation on existing road-side poles

  • Powerful IoT-ready device provides access to more actionable traffic data than any radar on the market

  • Wireless configuration using a mobile device or tablet eliminating the need to carry a computer or install complicated software

  • Built-in aiming guidance and auto configuration for easy installation and setup

Every wrong way driving event starts with a mistake that can result in a severe or fatal accident. How these events are resolved no longer need to be left up to chance. The Wrong Way Alerting Solution with Alert Trust goes beyond traditional detection of the wrong way driver and provides you with deeper insights that can help in developing effective strategies and resolutions to this challenging problem.

Wrong Way API
• Integrates into central system that best suits your needs, removing
manual process and roadblocks
• Detailed wrong way event notifications and information provide
effective resolution
• Increased productivity, cost reductions, connectivity, collaboration, and
deeper insights can be obtained

NEW!! RTMS Echo + Camera

The RTMS Echo plus camera is a technologically advanced radar sensor with a High-Definition camera that empowers smart decisions. The RTMS Echo radar detects and measures traffic while providing the ability to visually verify the roadway conditions using the camera. It is all-weather accurate and virtually maintenance-free.

The RTMS Echo is a side fire radar mounted on the roadside. Simultaneously, the sensor provides per vehicle data including volume, occupancy, speed and classification information in up to 12 detection zones. The installation of RTMS has never been easier with built-in aiming guidance, auto configuration of the sensor, and wireless configuration via mobile device, tablet, or laptop. The data collected by the RTMS Echo is highly accurate and can be formatted to fit the needs of your organization or agency’s objectives.

The RTMS technology provides meaningful and reliable data that maximizes the full potential of existing infrastructure and optimizes the safety and efficiency of every city.

Features and Highlights

  • Powerful IoT-ready

  • Device Radar designed for traffic data collection

  • Secure wireless configuration Visual verification and surveillance